Everyone wants to be happy. That’s a fact that is hard to dispute. However, we forget that the core part of feeling happier is about re-wiring our minds and to adjust our expectations. These should be complemented by exercising (connecting the body to the soul), experiencing gratitude, escaping negative narratives, and live in the present moment.

All that is easy to say than do.  So let´s reduce this complexity into something that is simple and doable; our experience suggests that getting to really understand your core values, can get you on the road of experiencing more moments of happiness in your life.  We call this philosophy:  “Values in Action”.

Over the years we have researched, tested, and developed methodologies and tools that can help everybody understand his/her core values and examine if they really live up to them in their daily life ( work , family, leisure).

In addition, we have developed a sophisticated training content and corresponding methodologies and tools ( both manual tools and digital tools) that helps people get there. 

And the latter can be expanded to different constituents: We are training  coaches to help people understand what is really important to them  and how to ensure alignment with their goals (Coaching by Values); we train managers to understand their managing philosophy and be more effective in developing shared values (which is our definition of culture)  that is aligned with the corporate objectives (Managing by Values); and, we help leaders impact positively their followers in leading them into Tomorrowland (Leadership by Values). 

In sum, we truly believe that the DNA of our behavior are our values. When they can be measured, placed in a hierarchy  and help us re-wire, the result is an enduring happiness. But this is not a panacea hence assessment., alignment and realignment should be done periodically.

These are explained in more detail in our recent book:  The Secret of Coaching and Leading by Values  (Routledge, 2020).  For more information on our training and certification, check our web site at www.zinquo.com or my personal web site at www.simondolan.com  

Dr.  Simon L. Dolan
President, The Global Future of Work Foundation
Honorary President , ZINQUO