Prof. Simon L. Dolan announces the publication of the latest books on Human Resource Management.

by Admin2018
4 years ago

December 1, 2020 Press Release

– The Global Future of Work Foundation, and it´s president, Prof. Simon L. Dolan, is happy to announce the publishing of the most recent books on Managing Human Resources.  Prof. Dolan (along with his world partners) is happy to contribute to the academic training of future HR professionals across the globe.  All recent editions offer state of the art know-how in the field, and embeds the latest technologies to offer instructors and students the best content on the market.   Prof. Dolan and his team wishes to thank all the academic institutions who adapts the books/courses, for their loyalty and trust over the past several years.    More information on each textbook, is available in the corresponding publishers web site and catalogue. 

The last edition of our Bestselling (100% online) course in HRM in English, is offered by “MyEducator”.   This course/book was co-written with Prof. Chad Albrecht and a team of dedicated professionals who updates the content, the methodology and the video-interviews on a permanent basis. The book/course includes 15 modules and has/is being used by some of the largest Universities in the U.S.  (Western Governors and the Univ. of Phoenix) amongst others. 

The 6th  edition of our” La gestion des ressources humaines”,   (with Prof. Tania Saba) in French (Published by Pearson-ERPI),  has been just released. 

The book dominates the French speaking universities in Canada  as well as in other continents.

Se basant sur des sources d’aujourd’hui, le manuel propose de toutes nouvelles rubriques avec de nouveaux exemples ainsi que des objectifs pédagogiques qui permettent de mieux guider les étudiants dans leurs apprentissages. Une attention particulière a été apportée aux études de cas, outil primordial fortement utilisé en classe par les professeurs. En tout, le manuel en compte 17, soit une pour chaque chapitre. Aussi très chères aux professeurs, les questions d’analyse ont été modifiées et réintégrées au manuel. De plus, chacun des chapitres comprend maintenant des résumés visuels, des encadrés “à retenir” ainsi que de nombreux graphiques pour aider l’étudiant à mieux visualiser l’information.

While this third edition is still going strong, along with my partners Prof. Ramón Valle Cabrera and Alvaro Lopez, we are preparing the next edition to be released soon. As previously, the 4th edition of the book will be published by McGraw Hill company. The third ed. is one of the most popular books in the Iberoamerican peninsula as well as in  many countries in Latin America. Check the book out in Amazon:

La obra ofrece una visión moderna de la gestión de los recursos humanos. Este libro se ha elaborado pensando en los estudiantes que deseen trabajar en el futuro como gerentes y directivos de la gestión de personas, así como en los estudiantes de administración y dirección de empresas no especializados en recursos humanos, amén de los actuales profesionales de esta área. Existe un contenido online vinculado a esta obra, de venta independiente, que la complementa con preguntas para el estudio y la reflexión, información gráfica adicional y casos prácticos aportados por profesores de distintas universidades españolas.

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