Our strategy for 2022-2023 is to expand our years of experience in the Spanish world and bring it to the English-speaking professionals. To do that, we are undertaking several actions.
First, we will be attending the Frankfurt Book Fair in October (represented by The Regency Publishers), and we will begin offering certifications and online training in English. My partners, and co-founders of ZINQUO, David Alonso and Laura Moncho), are engaged in non-stop innovation in the Spanish world. The latest is an entertaining hands-on fun experience in getting to know our flagship tool (The Value of Values), as well as our most recent tool (The Stress Map). Over the years, I have learned that using tools of gamification principles gets substantial positive results. I also learned that in order to become an effective change agent, the coach, consultant, Therapist or any leader needs to embed three components: a clear concept/theory, a defined methodology and tool (s). Thus, I have dedicated my entire professional life to research, writing and developing (whenever needed) these components.
The social media is filled with information about my passion to the importance of values in enhancing resilience, wellbeing, and all in all improve the quality of life. If you understand Spanish, I recommend that you reserve Saturday , September 17, 2022, to attend the amazing workshop offered by David and Laura which explains our tools. https://zinquo.com/gamifica-tus-sesiones-de-coaching/
We have numerous books on values in several languages, but I wish to announce that 2 new books on Chronic Stress Management that supports the Stress Map, will be out in the Fall (English by Routledge and Spanish by Profit).
The Value of Values card game is being used by coaches and educators all over the world. Available in 17 languages (in addition to English). Being hailed as the best product ever developed to help us understand what it really important in life, at work and other settings. See: www.learningaboutvalues.com
The Stress Map is the only tool enabling coaches, therapists and other professionals diagnose chronic stress in people. It is based on 40 years of research that begun in Minnesota (the Mayo Clinic) and continued in Montreal (with the father of Stress – Dr. Hans Selye). Use principles of gamification. For trailer (Spanish with English subtitles) watch: https://vimeo.com/545643919
Short bio: Dr. Simon L. Dolan is the developer of the concept, methodology and tools of the Coaching, Leading and Managing by Values. He has written over 75 books (in many languages) and has a community that certifies coaches and leaders in the use and application of these concepts (see: www.coachingxvalores.com) . More about him at: www.simondolan.com or in Wikipedia https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_L._Dolan#Investigaci%C3%B3n