“Business is a dominant force in the world today and I believe that Simon, as a motivational speaker, writer, and thought leader, can influence how business will be done tomorrow. His transformative vision of organizational culture is certainly inspiring considering the upcoming technological advancements. He is a world-changer committed to fighting for the truth”

Juan Cuadras
Founder & partner of Van Bruc International

Simon’s personality is as captivating as the topics he covers.
He breaks away from the crowd of speakers by being absolutely enthusiastic about effectuating change.
He understands that managers can only do so by reaching and currying their colleagues and employees.

His tools such as his card game “The value of values” have proven to be excellent additions to our executive education programme for retail executives.
The playful way in which he communicates his research might seem unconventional, but helps participants to digest his recommendations for driving lasting change in organizations.

Because it is easy to get lost in day-to-day business, managers should take a step back from time to time and think about the greater picture of their business.
This is what Simon has definitely done: inspiring to change others and oneself.

DR. Severin F. Bischof
Research Associate & PhD Candidate University of St. Gallen.

Driven by passion and purpose to make a better world led by positive values, Simon is an everlasting contributor, innovator and a thought leader about values, trust and stress.

His creative game and methodology “The Value of Values” based on his decades of research is one of the best ways to teach values at the workplace and at home.

Working with Simon is a joy. He is positive, fast to respond, decisive and solution focused. Together we had implemented projects in organizations and in communities.

Avi Liran
CDO, Delivering Delight, Singapore

I have met Simon 10 years ago after coming across his MBV model and the “Value of Values” card game. Over the years I learned and worked with the MBV and other models and tools Simon developed. I got to know his work, way of thinking, and more importantly, I got to know him as a person.

Getting familiar with his models is remarkably similar to getting familiar with Simon as a person. At first, you are immediately fascinated. Although you cannot put your finger on it, something feels right. As time passes by, you get to understand the qualities and appreciate the depth.

Both, models and Simon, are inspiring, give a comprehensive flexible framework that respects the uniqueness of each one and at the same time provides the principles that ensure that one will get to his correct wellbeing – organizational and personal. I encourage every manager, coach, and consultant, get to know, learn, and use Simon’s tools and moreover, to be privilege to work with him. You will benefit personally and professionally.

Dr. Anat Garti

I feel truly privileged to be able to count Professor Simon Dolan as a colleague, collaborator and friend. I have experienced first-hand, Simon’s total commitment and passion for making profound, positive change in individuals and organisations. 

My organisation, the Australian based consulting company – the Leadership Alliance, has worked closely with Simon, particularly in the area of individual and workplace values. We have found the Value of Values cards, encompassing the DOLAN 3Es Triaxial Model of Values; an invaluable tool in assisting individual and group understanding, and improving the overall motivation and quality of organisational leadership.

Anyone who has experienced Simon’s inspiring keynote presentations and/or his dynamic, vibrant workshop events, will attest to his intellect, passion and infectious enthusiasm. I commend him to you.

Dr Philip R Harrell
Executive Director The Leadership Alliance

Simon Dolan is a visionary who uses his influence and example to create change and instill positive values in communities and organizations throughout the world.  In my own life, Simon has personally taught me the values of hard work, kindness, selflessness, friendship, and trust.  Simon has helped me realize that values are the DNA of any organization and that true success can only come through ethical and transparent business practices.”

Dr. Chad Albrecht
PhD, Full Professor of Strategy and MBA Director, Jon M. Huntsman School of Business, Utah State University, USA

Simon Dolan, my preferred co-author in the fascinating journey exploring the future of the Cyber-Age,  is a person with an exceptional mind who has created a powerful combination of many important individuals minds around the important topic of values. Following the definition of Collins English Dictionary – he is a “supermind”.

Prof. Mario Raich
Chairman of the e-Merit Academy– Zurich, Switzerland

Simon es un gran profesional, incombustible al desaliento, al trabajo bien hecho y sobre todo, a poner acción a todas sus idea. En todas sus facetas como:  amigo, persona, escritor, conferenciante, creador….. , su común denominador son su actitud positiva y sus valores, que se sienten, en su forma de actuar y comportarse. Está en el presente, estudiando y visualizando siempre el futuro, va por delante de los acontecimientos. Gracias Simón por tu contribución al desarrollo de conceptos y herramientas que nos ayudan, en este mundo empresarial tan VUCA, que nos toca vivir

Gustavo  Piera
Fundador y EX -CEO /DG  – Grupocmr, Spain

Investigador, conferencista y gran líder para nosotros en Uruguay, inspirándonos con sus investigaciones y creaciones; los valores se convirtieron en pilares en nuestras vidas; sin conocerlo en persona llegó a cautivarnos con sus propuestas empezando por el Juego el Valor de los Valores, pasando por La Alfombra Mágica hasta llegar a los estudios sobre los valores que se heredan. Gracias por todo lo compartido, que nos ayuda a vivir sin estrés y honrando cada paso que vamos dando.

Gimena Alzugaray y Julio Cruz
Desde Uruguay en el emprendimiento EDUCARTUSER

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